The summer slide, sometimes called the summer setback or summer learning loss, is a problem that hits many youngsters when they return to school in the fall. After a long summer of leisure and no learning, students may lose the equivalent of two months of math and reading skills, according to some studies.
From trips to the library to summer school enrollment, there are many ways parents can protect their children from the summer slide. But perhaps one of the most powerful and beneficial ways to ensure children are ready for back-to-school success is to enlist the aid of a qualified summer tutor.
As a hub for summer tutoring in NYC, we’ve witnessed the wonders summer tutoring can do for students firsthand—and they go way beyond preventing the summer slide! Contact us to learn more about our services.
In addition to reducing summer learning loss, the benefits of summer tutoring include the following:
Strengthening Foundations
If your child has struggled in a subject or concept during the school year, the summer is an excellent time to strengthen these weak spots. An NYC summer tutor offers the benefit of a fresh approach and individualized attention, so your student may find that a concept that was previously difficult is suddenly easy to understand.
When your student returns to school, he or she will be prepared and able to grasp new lessons that build on previous concepts instead of falling further behind.
Boosting Confidence
After mastering a concept that previously seemed difficult and daunting, your student’s confidence will soar. When your child resumes the school year with greater self-esteem, this confidence may manifest through improved participation, focus, and enthusiasm for learning.
Challenging Bright Students
Many parents assume summer tutoring is necessary only for students who are struggling academically. Quite the contrary! Summer tutoring is an ideal way to motivate bright students who may have been unchallenged or bored by their normal coursework. Summer is an ideal time to explore new subjects and passions not offered by all New York schools, such as coding, creative writing, and biology.
Getting a Head Start
Whatever your student’s academic level at the end of the school year, summer tutoring in New York City can help him or her get ahead. A summer tutor can give students a jump-start on concepts that will be introduced in the upcoming year. When the NY school year starts, your child will be at ease with what may once have been unfamiliar concepts.
Preparing for Tests
If your student has an important exam like the SAT or ACT approaching, the summer is the best time to get ready.
During the school year, your child may be distracted by homework and extracurriculars and may not have the time or energy to invest in test preparation. With summer tutoring, your student can concentrate fully.
If you’re looking for summer tutoring in NYC, send us a message. We staff a dedicated team of graduates from Ivy League schools and other top institutions, such as Stanford, Duke, and MIT, with experience tutoring all subjects, ages, and ability levels. Our NY summer tutors travel to you and work around your schedule so your student can reap the benefits of summer tutoring while still having the freedom to enjoy summer break.