History Tutoring Services in NYC

If your student needs help with history, personal instruction from an experienced tutor is one of the most powerful ways to improve his or her mastery of the subject. Thanks to their unparalleled experience, education, and teaching skills, NYCTutoring.com’s tutors can help your student excel. We follow a simple mission—to deliver high-quality tutoring to the students of New York City. We provide one-on-one instruction for subjects like history but also for qualifying exams, math and science, foreign languages, and many other subjects. Just reach out to us to get started.
We’ve helped students across Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island who can speak to their success. Students who’ve worked with one of our private history tutors earn higher test scores and demonstrate a more thorough understanding of history than their peers, and they also report gains in confidence because of our customized tutoring. Our tutors dedicate themselves to helping students reach their goals, whether earning an A+ on a paper about significant historical events or just improving their class grades. We customize lessons to address each student’s most pressing needs, and it’s this focus on customization that makes us stand out from other tutoring services.
In the Big Apple, you can find numerous tutoring services. However, we’re confident that our tutors meet the highest standards for education, teaching skills, and ability to provide a personal touch. If the tutors you’ve considered working with lack these qualities crucial to student success, don’t waste your money. Instead, invest in a tutor from NYCTutoring.com. We know how to teach history.
Other services don’t screen and test their tutors as thoroughly as NYCTutoring.com does. We look for tutors who are graduates of Ivy League universities such as Princeton and other prestigious schools like Stanford. We hire only those tutors who have perfect or near-perfect test scores. Our teaching staff has a deep knowledge of history, including European history, world history, and US history, and exceptional skill in teaching the subject to students.
While other services ask you to meet outside the home or across the city, our tutors are flexible enough to set up one-on-one tutoring sessions anywhere that’s convenient for you. We can tutor your student at a Starbucks in the Financial District or at your office in Sutton Place. Even if you reside in Darien, Connecticut, we’ll send a tutor to your home or another convenient spot, as we cover the entire New York metropolitan area.
Tutoring benefits students no matter their skill level or age. We serve them all—after-school tutoring for children as well as adult tutoring in a variety of subjects. You can count on us to match your student with a private history instructor who will tailor lessons specifically for him or her. The result? Improved confidence and deeper knowledge.
Contact us today to learn more about the finest tutoring available in New York City.